Guidance After Positive Test
Your student will need to remain home until they have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving. There is no longer a 5-day isolation period required by CDPH.
Positive test results do not need to be submitted to the school.
Return to School
If symptoms have improved, students may attend school, wearing a face covering. (The first date that symptoms started or the positive test was administered is considered Day 0.)
Students are expected to wear a face covering indoors on campus until:
- Two separate negative test results, taken 24 hours apart, are submitted to the school OR
- Day 10.
The Pandemic Team, while still reviewing cases as needed, is not providing daily clearances as in years past. The office teams are handling absences and a student’s absence must be reported via the Attendance form in Veracross. Please view the SCC Public Health flowcharts for the guidance Oakwood follows.