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Oakwood School

Kindergarten Silkworms Metamorphosis

Kindergarten Silkworms Metamorphosis
Kindergarten Silkworms Metamorphosis
Tina Tabuchi and Dana Bruning

When we last checked in, the Oakwood School kindergarten students were eagerly anticipating the emergence of silk moths from their cocoons. After three weeks of patient waiting, their excitement was noticeable as they finally witnessed the appearance of the adorable, furry, white moths. These domesticated, flightless moths provided a hands-on learning experience for the students, who enjoyed holding them and carefully observing their features.

As part of the lesson, the children labeled all the parts of an insect and watched in fascination as many female moths began laying tiny eggs, thus completing the life cycle. Each student now has a comprehensive scientific folder filled with their predictions, observations, and illustrations, ready to share with their families this summer!

Insect Lifecycle photo album