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Oakwood School

Guidelines for Playground Structure

Students in grades 1 through 8 are allowed to use the play structure during morning recess/brunch and lunch recess. They are also allowed to use the structure under teacher supervision any other time of the day.

Students must adhere to all safety guidelines at all times.

Parts of the structure that are designed to allow students to get to the top may only be used for “going up.”

  • GO UP the steps, cliff climber, chain ladder, snake pole, and small ladder.
  • GO DOWN on the steps, banister slide, and steel slide.
  • GO ACROSS on the challenge ladder and the track ride.

Banister Slide- Sit with legs straddling the bars, hands behind you on the bars, face forward, slide down leaning back slightly and land on your feet. Do not fall forward. Watch out for other students in the landing area.

Red Slide- Sit on your bottom with legs extended forward and slide down forward one person at a time.

Track Ride- Climb up the fat poles to reach the track ride, grip the handle and use your body weight and a swinging action to travel across the track. Kick off the end pole and slide back to the original starting place and jump down. Watch out for other students in the landing zone.

Challenge Ladder- Two students at a time may cross the challenge ladder side by side. Grip the bars with your hands while hanging your legs straight down. Use your body weight and a swinging action to move forward from one bar to the next. Drop to the ground when you tire or reach the end. Land on your feet. Watch out for other students when you drop down.

Bars- Practice chin-ups and pull-ups.

  • The wood fiber is for protection and should remain on the ground.
  • Learn to climb on your own without assistance.
  • The sitting area is on the bench under the play structure or on the wood border around the structure.
  • Hanging upside down, “cherry drops”, and flips are not allowed.
  • Share and take turns.
  • Encourage others to try.


This play structure is developmental and not all students will be successful at all challenges. Encourage them to keep trying and one day…it will happen.

Note: no students are allowed to use the play structure for tag or dodge-ball type activities.