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Oakwood School

High School Student Expectations & Dress Code

Oakwood High School endeavors to provide a positive learning environment where students are challenged to achieve their highest potentials, explore their individual interests, and become self-motivated individuals prepared to lead lives of purpose, integrity, and concern for their local, national, and world communities. To maintain that positive learning environment, students adhere to the following standards and rules.

Students will:

  1. Treat others with dignity, respect, and courtesy.

  2. Use appropriate language both in and out of the classroom, refraining from profanity and vulgarity.

  3. Limit themselves to appropriate physical contact with others.

  4. Respect the rights and property of others and behave in a trustworthy, honest manner.

  5. Refrain from behavior which may hinder the achievement or safety of themselves or others.

  6. Adhere to the dress code and appearance expectations (specifics found in next section).

  7.  Follow the directions of all faculty and staff members.

  8. Go to classes on time, prepared to learn, and having completed assigned work.

  9. Not possess or chew gum on campus.

  10. Not consume food or drink (other than bottled water) in the classroom buildings or classrooms, unless given permission by a faculty member. Food will be allowed in the Student Center, provided that students keep the area clean.

  11.  Not use or possess tobacco or nicotine products (including e-cigarettes/ "vaping" equipment), drugs, or alcohol on school campus or at school sponsored activities. See Family Handbook for details on this policy.

  12. Do their own work and not assist others in their work unless specifically authorized to do so by a faculty member.

  13. Adhere to the Student Center policies.

  14. Submit a completed "Driving Permission Form" before driving to/from school and using the school parking lot.

Dress Code and Appearance

Oakwood School has dress code and grooming guidelines in order to maintain a positive learning environment where students recognize that school standards are elevated compared to other social settings that are more casual. Students are expected to dress in a manner that shows respect for education and our K-12 educational environment. The school reserves the right to determine what is appropriate dress. Students who come to school wearing items determined not to be in accordance with the guidelines below may be asked to change into other clothes or call home to have appropriate clothes brought to Oakwood.

When on campus, students will:

  1. Maintain a neat, well-groomed, and clean appearance appropriate to school attendance.

  2. Maintain moderate styles and color of hair and makeup. All facial hair must be well-groomed and neat. Distracting hair colors and styles, including those that cover the face or eyes, are not allowed.

  3. Not wear overly casual, ill-fitting, or torn clothing (e.g., sleepwear, beachwear, tops that reveal the midriff, low cut tops, shirt straps with width of less than three fingers, visible undergarments/undershirts, or clothing with prominent holes or tears), or clothing that displays a disruptive or offensive message. 

  4. Not wear short skirts or shorts. Skirts and shorts must extend past the student's fingertips along the legs.

  5. Practice good hygiene.

  6. Wear shoes at all times. Closed-toed shoes must be worn in science labs and art rooms.

  7. Limit visible body piercing to the ears and nose (small stud only) and not wear gauges.

  8. Not wear sunglasses, hats, or hoods in school buildings. 

Student Lockers

Students will:

  1. Use lockers exclusively for the storage of school-related materials and authorized personal items.

  2. Be solely responsible for the contents of his/her locker and should not share his/her locker with other students.

  3. Not divulge locker combinations to other students.

  4. Not damage lockers in any way on the inside or outside of any locker.

  5. Not leave food or drinks in lockers overnight. Students will not store anything in their lockers that might damage the locker.

  6. Keep his/her locker closed and locked at all times when not actively using it.

  7. Not block access to another student's locker or leave anything in the hallways.

All lockers assigned to students are the property of Oakwood High School. At no time does the school relinquish its exclusive control of its lockers. Oakwood administrators and designated teachers are authorized to search lockers and locker contents at any time, without notice, and without parental or student consent. Any items found to be in violation of Oakwood's policies will be immediately confiscated and parents notified.

Student Center Policy

Most students have the benefit of a study period. It is the student's responsibility to use this time wisely. There are two locations that may be utilized: the Student Center and the High School Quad. 

Student Center Expectations

  1. Students respect the space and its contents. Any misuse of the building, furnishings, or supplies will result in serious consequences, including loss of Student Center privileges. Students will be held liable for any damages.

  2. Students respect other classes by maintaining a low volume. Music can be listened to with headphones only.

  3.  Students must sign in at the beginning of their Study Center periods and remain in approved areas unless they have pre-approval from a teacher and sign out of the Student Center.

  4. Students are NOT permitted to use the Barn, Athletic Center, Sport Court, or Playground during study periods without the express permission and supervision of a faculty member.

  5. Students will not handle the sliding glass walls unless directed to do so by a faculty member.

  6. Students will maintain the Monarch Butterfly collaboration room as a silent study space.

  7. Students on Academic Probation will report to the High School Office conference room during non-class time.

  8. Students will be permitted to prepare and eat lunches in the Student Center so long as they clean all trash, avoid spills, and maintain microwaves, kettles, and countertops.

Use of Electronics

With use of any computer (personal or Oakwood-owned), students will:

  1. Maintain proper usage and care of all school equipment.

  2. Use computers, related devices, the Internet, and email in an appropriate, ethical, and legal manner and only for assigned schoolwork or approved activities.

  3. Not access inappropriate websites, bulletin boards, or chat rooms.

  4. Not circumvent Oakwood’s firewall via VPN or any other means.

  5. Not play computer or video games on any electronic device during school hours, including during breaks, lunch, or study periods.

  6. Convey the details of any computer/network security problem to the administration without discussing it with other students. Students should understand that the school has the ability to track student access to the Internet and also to shut down access by a personal device if the device is being used inappropriately.

  7. Not knowingly transmit incorrect or false information.

  8. Not monitor the network's or another's computer activity.

  9. Not change Oakwood computer settings/options/preferences (e.g., screensavers, desktop designs), download files or software of any type, or disrupt or attempt to disrupt an electronic device or anyone's use of an electronic device or the network.

  10. Not save anything to an Oakwood computer desktop/hard drive. All student material should be saved to a student's personal USB drive or google drive.

  11. Sign out of any Oakwood computer following use.

  12. Not share passwords with another person or log on with another person's account.

  13. Properly cite all information obtained through research on the Internet.

  14. Not access another's folders, work, or files unless given specific permission by the individual.

  15. Not photocopy material without the express permission of a staff member.

  16. Adhere to these expectations, and understand that improper use of Oakwood equipment will result in loss of use.

  17. Understand that Oakwood is not responsible for the repair or loss of students' personal devices.

Cameras on campus:

  1. Cameras cannot be used in the classroom unless a teacher specifically gives permission to students for each occurrence.

  2. Those being filmed need to be made aware that they are being filmed, and give their permission to be filmed.

  3.  Cameras should never be a distraction to the school atmosphere.

  4. These rules apply at all times, whether during the school day or not. Students who do not comply with these expectations risk losing these privileges, having the camera taken away, and possible suspension, if the action is considered by the school to be malicious.

Personal laptops may be used to play music according to the following rules:

  1. Students may use personal laptops to listen to music during their regularly scheduled study periods or if teachers give permission for use in their classes.

  2. Students must use headphones and the volume should only be loud enough for that one student to hear.

  3. The use of personal electronics should not distract others.

  4. Phones may not be used for playing music.

Phones on campus:

  1. Phones may not be used during school hours (including during restroom breaks, lunch, or study periods), except with express permission from a faculty member. If a student needs to make a phone call, there is a phone located in the office for student use. Please obtain permission prior to using.

  2. Phones are not to be used to play music during school hours. Music may be played from laptops only.

  3. All phones must be turned off or silenced. Any phone that rings or audibly beeps during class will be taken away from the student. .

  4. Since each student will have his/her own laptop, no student will be permitted to use a phone to access assignments or the internet.

  5. Smart watches should be used only for keeping time, not communication or internet access, during school hours.

  6. Students must remove earbuds when first entering a classroom. With teacher permission, students may later use earbuds to listen to music during class.

  7. The school reserves the right to examine any personal device taken away  or found on the campus in order to determine ownership.

  8. Phones and other personal devices that are being used without permission will be taken away. First and Second Offense: student will retrieve the device from the principal at the end of the school day. Third Offense: student will lose the privilege of having the device at school.


High School Honor Code


Oakwood High School is an academic community whose educational mission requires the highest level of character, integrity, and trust among students and faculty. Its mission is sustained by the honor of all. Each of us at Oakwood pledges to act honorably in word and deed and to tolerate nothing less of others.


An Oakwood student's education flourishes in an atmosphere of respect and trust shared by peers and faculty. Honor is the essential element of this vital atmosphere. When students submit assignments to the faculty for evaluation, they do so with their word of honor that their work was produced by their own efforts and in accord with the guidelines established by the faculty. All exchanges among faculty and students must be truthful and honorable. Oakwood is committed to the principle that a lasting education and an upright character depend on students' truthfulness and honorable ownership of the fruits of their lifelong endeavors. Lying, cheating, and stealing are violations of honor and are incompatible with our community's pursuit of excellence in character and achievement.


At the beginning of each academic year, each student at Oakwood High School will read and sign the pledge below, and a parent or guardian will attest to the student's pledge:

On my honor as an Oakwood student, I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal, or to tolerate those who do.

On all work submitted for evaluation and assessment (including tests, quizzes, papers, projects, works), each student will write out and sign the following pledge:

On my honor as an Oakwood student, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment except as permitted by my instructor.


Any violation of the honor code of Oakwood High School is of grave concern to the community. A suspected violation of our honor system will, in most instances, be first investigated by a faculty member. If the suspicion is confirmed, the incident generally will be reported to the principal, who will pursue the matter with the concerned faculty member, the student, the student's family, advisor, and others as deemed appropriate by Oakwood. Depending on the student's history at Oakwood and the severity of the infraction, the sanctions for an honor violation may range from failure of the assignment, failure of the course, or suspension or expulsion from Oakwood. Sanctions may also include exclusion from extracurricular activities. Any sanction will be imposed in accord with the best interest of the Oakwood community and the student in the school's sole discretion. The guiding principle will always be the centrality of honor in the life of Oakwood High School.

High School Academic Probation Policy

High school students who are not meeting expectations may be placed on Academic Probation if the student’s report at any time shows that:

  1. Unweighted grade-point average (GPA) is below 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or

  2. Grades include one or more Fs or two or more Ds.

The parents of a student who is placed on Academic Probation will be notified by email.

Students who are placed on Academic Probation:

  1. Cannot participate in school-sponsored activities such as athletics or drama. However, they and their parents may petition the Athletic Director/Director and Principal for permission to practice with a team or cast.

  2. Can resume participating in school-sponsored activities such as athletics or drama when their grades warrant removal from Academic Probation, i.e. when they meet the standards of a GPA of 2.0 or better, and when there are no F’s and no more than one D reflected.

  3. May be required to retake failed courses.

  4. May lose scholarship assistance (if applicable) if the probationary status is protracted.

  5. May be required to leave Oakwood High School as a consequence of their ongoing poor academic performance.


  1. Unweighted grade-point average (GPA): a raw average of all of the student’s grades. Extra weight is not given to Honors or Advanced Placement courses.

  2. Students receive written report cards twice a year (at the end of each semester) that list a student’s grade for each course. These grades become part of a student’s permanent high school transcript. 

  3. Students on academic probation will receive regular monitoring by their teachers and Advisor at intervals of no more than every two weeks, and clearance for extra-curricular participation will be determined by progress during these intervals.

  4. Students on academic probation may be required to attend weekly BOOST or other tutoring sessions until grades improve to a satisfactory level. 

  5. Senior privileges and/or other privileges may also be put on hold.