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Oakwood School

Reporting to Colleges

Reporting to Colleges

Does Oakwood report disciplinary action to colleges?

Colleges and universities are interested in the character of applicants as well as students’ academic abilities and performance. Some colleges and universities specifically ask Oakwood about applicants’ disciplinary actions. Oakwood has the responsibility to communicate honestly to colleges about these matters.

If colleges and universities request information regarding an applicant’s disciplinary history, Oakwood will report actions that result in dismissal or withdrawal. If a student withdraws from Oakwood to avoid disciplinary action, Oakwood reserves the right to report the infraction(s) to the colleges and universities.

Students who have been subject to discipline by Oakwood prior to their senior year are expected to respond honestly on any college application that asks questions such as “Are you currently or have you ever been charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type of misconduct at any educational institution?” or “Have you ever been dismissed, placed on probation or suspended from an educational institution?”

If a student’s disciplinary status changes after the filing of college applications, the student has the obligation to inform all colleges to which an application has been submitted or the college at which the student has confirmed their intention to enroll. The student should notify the college or colleges within two weeks from the date of the change in status. 

The Director of College Counseling will be available to assist and counsel students in reporting disciplinary infractions to colleges.